1616 Applications
Ported Applications
Almost anything which drifted past on comp.sources.unix was portable to
I did a termcap library, so we had vi, ularn and conquest.
The MGR window manager
All the normal textutils - wc, head, tail, sed, ed, tar, zoo, compress,
nroff, etc - some from GNU, some from Minix.
VT100 emulator
The 'English' speech synthesiser, backended by a Philips chip which,
sadly, you can't get any more.
Heaps of other stuff.
My stuff
I didn't write many userland applications. Most of my RAM-based development
was porting things like MGR, GCC, G++, bison, yacc, ...
Some of the dial-up BBS system.
The second news system
The email system
The system utilities like blockdev (format disks, make file systems, etc),
fscheck (fsck), chdev (stty on steroids), etc..
at, cron
A disassembler
Virtual console driver
The cscript scripting language. (Here is my
1616 rc0 boot-up script)
A disk-based version of the full-screen editor. This had document-processing
extensions and an offline print formatting application.
Contributed applications
SSFORTH (who did this? It was really cool.)
The MUMPS language (who was that doctor down in Melbourne?)
Colin McCormack ported the original news reader. He ported cfront.
He also wrote getty and a few other bits and pieces of the multiuser support.
Conal Walsh did the CP/M port and SSEG.
Commercial Applications
The Hitech C compiler
Colin's Minix port
I think SSEG cost money - I forget.
The macro assembler, SSASM. A simple version was in ROM. The
fancy version with macros was disk-based.
On to The users.
Andrew Morton, 8 March 1999