68HCS12 Mask Set Erratas (MSEs)

Mask Set Erratas (MSEs) describe anomolies to normal documented operation. The MSE is applicable only to the listed mask sets.

Mask set numbers indicate different revisions of microcontrollers due to design or manufacturing changes. The mask set is identified by a four-character code consisting of a letter, two numerical digits, and a letter (e.g., G40G). Slight variations to the mask set identification code may result in an optional numerical digit preceding the standard four-character code (e.g., 1G40G). The mask set number is printed on all 68HCS12 microcontrollers.

68HCS12 Mask Set Erratas

Device Mask Errata Description Document Revised
PC9S12DP256 0K36N MSE Discrepancies, Customer Information, and Documentation Corrections PC9S12DP256MSE1 3/08/00