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There are two radios featured on this page.  

jump to Bowers #2

Bowers Number 0ne with inductive slug tuning. 

This is little cute five tube radio made by the Bowers Radio and Battery Company.  It played when power up through a Dim Bulb tester.  And seems to have all original parts.  The tube line up is 12AS7, 12SJ7, 12SQ7, 50L6 and 35Z5.  The rear cover referred to RCA patents.  There is no schematic listed in Riders or Beitman's.  This radio aligned easily using a common AA5 alignment and will a little (I mean little) finesse with the tuning inductors.  

Have a look:

IM000001.JPG (587632 bytes) IM000007.JPG (951238 bytes) IM000003.JPG (707293 bytes)


IM000005.JPG (603951 bytes)
IM000008.JPG (914117 bytes) Mechanical side of tuner. IM000002.JPG (559535 bytes) Inductor side of Tuner IM000010.JPG (289650 bytes)

After - Restored chassis




Bowers Number Two Radio.

This is a four (4) tube radio that has been worked on.  I found a spliced in power cord,  two bad tubes (50L6 shorted, 35Z5 open 1/2 filament) and one wrong tube (6sk7 in place of the 12 SQ7).  Some one also tried to add a pilot lamp.  That probably explains the open filament.  The output transformer has and open primary.   Use the Regal 1107 schematic.  It is virtually a direct match.  There is no AVC circuit.   

Once all recapped and resistored (I kept the 82 ohm 5w filament series resistor) with same values as the chassis had, new tubes where needed (one original), and cleaned alignment began.  And continued and continued.  The radio will not receive the printed band on the cabinet, 1650 to 540.  I tried different IF frequencies,  Among other numbers there is a 425 printed on the IF can.  

This radio plays nice once restored.  An external long wire makes quite a difference with the reception.

IM000216.JPG (673557 bytes) IM000217.JPG (605196 bytes) IM000218.JPG (479816 bytes) IM000219.JPG (445568 bytes) This antenna is L1 in the schematic. 
IM000220.JPG (505068 bytes) IM000221.JPG (622735 bytes) Mr. Jingles was here sampling the cuisine. IM000222.JPG (632617 bytes) IM000223.JPG (687307 bytes)
IM000224.JPG (615929 bytes) Open primary.  Use Regal 1107 schematic.    



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