Robyn T-123B


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This is an 11m tube Citizens Band radio. Once repaired this ugly duckling performed well and in spec.  The crystals had to be put back to original.  And all exploded capacitors and other paper capacitors replaced.  A few resistors were out of tolerance.  Sorry I do not have any more pictures.  

Before you get upset and return your ham license keep in mind;  If there is an emergency your trusty ARES/RACES  ham operator should be prepared with an operational CB on hand.  Many potential volunteers have CB radios.  Having one can only enhance your EmCom flexibility. There are better selections for a rig other than tube type.   

This radio was a pleasurable experience.  I recommend using a well documented CB to acquire some experience or hone your restoration, repair and alignment skills before taking on that Drake TR-4. 

Repainted pictures

IMG_1847.jpg (105529 bytes) IMG_1848.jpg (96396 bytes) IMG_1849.jpg (99764 bytes) IMG_1850.jpg (110004 bytes) IMG_1851.jpg (93033 bytes)


IMG_3053.JPG (906457 bytes)Popped capacitor. Use your DBT next time! IMG_3054.JPG (1193463 bytes) IMG_3055.JPG (1226534 bytes)Damage from the oil filled capacitor blowing out. IMG_3056.JPG (966151 bytes) IMG_3058.JPG (999875 bytes)
IMG_3061.JPG (1016084 bytes)No room for new electrolytics.  Three fit under this can. IMG_3062.JPG (1085180 bytes)The ferrite slugs were painted in place.  I snapped the transformer wires and had to repair. IMG_3064.JPG (1199830 bytes)OUCH!  I got hit off of the mic connector.   IMG_3059.JPG (955125 bytes)Burned wires from the oil filled capacitors blowing.  IMG_3060.JPG (1026733 bytes)Internal 12 volt step up inverter.


Schematic available here.


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