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NordMende Electra 58 USA


This is a Broadcast, SW and 87-108mHz FM receiver.  Along with the full range speaker there is an Electrostatic speaker to accentuate the high notes.  This transformered receiver uses an EL84 output tube configured as Single Ended or Class A amplification.     

As usual this radio was pampered to the usual restoration treatments.  New silicon rectifier bridge, New filter capacitors, New polypropylene for all paper dielectric capacitors, and all resistor tested.  The eye tube was a dead EM34.  It was replaced with the common Russian 6E5C octal.  A voltage divider circuit reduces the FM AGC from -22 to -8 volts max for better eye tube responsiveness.  This modification can always be reversed if a new EM34 is desired.  

After a complete chassis cleaning and lubrication a proper electronic alignment brought back the sensitivity of this receiver.  The cabinet received a cleaning and over coat of clear lacquer.  

The power cord uses a unique interlocking connector to the chassis.  The pins are spaced wider than the standard US "cheater" cable.  I had to splice a new line cord to the existing power cord pig tail.  I don't like it.  So I will be looking for a NOS or good used cable.  Until then I will enjoy this radio's reception.  I like it with the SW capabilites that my current shop "Daily Driver" (Emud Rekcord 196) lacks.  

Front shots coming.   IMG_5181.JPG (1166612 bytes)

Restored with 6E5C

IMG_5182.JPG (1164479 bytes) IMG_5183.JPG (1120324 bytes)

Easy test/alignment points.

IMG_5160.JPG (2290320 bytes) IMG_5161.JPG (3250390 bytes) IMG_5162.JPG (1168579 bytes) IMG_5163.JPG (1099618 bytes) IMG_5165.JPG (818524 bytes)

Selenium Rectifier

IMG_5166.JPG (848669 bytes)

Can not gut this!

IMG_5167.JPG (787585 bytes)

New Silicon 1N4007 bridge and 100uf 450v filter cap.  No additional dropping resistor needed. B+ right on spec. 

IMG_5168.JPG (981783 bytes)

Strange resistor treatment supports the electrostatic tweeter. Not on schematic. 

IMG_5169.JPG (973611 bytes) IMG_5170.JPG (698921 bytes)

How technology has shrunken electrolytic caps. 



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