Triplet 3436 vhf gen


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I had this generator given to me by a person on the newsgroup.  I had it in my shop anticipating needing it some day.  Well it sat for a few years.  I donated it to the Skyview Radio Society's Swap-N-Shop hamfest.  The proceeds benefited the club.  In particular the on going effort we put in to attracting and educating the public (Boy Scouts, Field Day, Kids Day on the Air, etc).  Thanks Stephanie.

I had emailed Triplet and asked for this documentation.  The kind gentleman at the other end forwarded this whole document to me.  And I asked if I could publish it to others.  He said yes.

If you have a use for it please go on the Triplet web site and thank them for making it available.  Not all companies will spend the time to look up original manuals.


3436 Cover.jpg (82341 bytes) 3436 Pg 05 of 12.jpg (174424 bytes) 3436 01 of 12.jpg (79553 bytes)   3436 03 of 12.jpg (96039 bytes)  3436 02 of 12.jpg (152403 bytes)
3436 02 of 12HiResPhoto.jpg (1236298 bytes) 3436 07 of 12.jpg (180986 bytes) 3436 07of12HiResPhoto.jpg (1597037 bytes) 3436 10 of 12.jpg (220599 bytes)  
3436 Pg 04 of 12.jpg (293051 bytes) 3436 Pg 06 of 12.jpg (290176 bytes) 3436 08 of 12Schematic.jpg (223358 bytes) 3436 Pg 09 of 12Schematic.jpg (118922 bytes) 3436 12 of 12.jpg (49768 bytes)

Reproduced here with permission from Triplet 2009.

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