Howard Johnson


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I used to work for a band that played Howard Johnson lounges.  We played one HJ for weeks.  They gave us a room on the week ends to use for the duration of the gig. Boy did we have a great time together.  It was like a family. 

The male lead singer snored horribly.  He did not believe us so it was up to me (sound man) to record him.  I did.  And he was shocked to hear himself snore.  He went to the front office and talked them into a second room.  He stayed there.

The Female lead singer caught some bug.  We took her to and ER where she turned ashen gray.  We never knew what was wrong with her.  Oh, we were not doing drugs or anything.  Maybe some of the band pounded a few down.  She and I were under age at that time (Disco Era).  

The drummer slipped in the shower and sliced open his knee.  So off the the ER again we went.  Later that night he had a pillow on the kick drum with his leg elevated.  That drew a few comments.  

I pretty much kept to my self.  I was the sound man behind the mixing board.  The chick would come up to me but I learned fast they only wanted the inside scoop on the band members.  The only chick that hung out with me I later married.  And I am married still to her, 27 years.  She was a good girl (old school).  I took her home at night to her parents.  


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