Etching Emblems


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IMG_4440.JPG (149615 bytes)        IMG_4707.JPG (436352 bytes)


The challenge is recreating an emblem made of brass foil.  The original could not be saved and was destroyed during finish stripping.  I searched the world over and could not find a replica.  No decals, no foils, no joy.  

First I acquired some painted foil for scrap booking.  I do not have the coordination to hand cut with a razor knife the font. 

I tried a silk screen stencil.  But I could not get a clean sharp painted image in Gold or Brass paint.  The silk screen was sharp and detailed. But I was unsuccessful with the paint.

One night in front of the TV I read in a modelers catalogue about etching metal parts to make model towers, engine blocks, train steam engin tanks, metal rails, etc.  And a kit of materials is offered.  So I ordered this system:,8346.html.  I figured this is exactly what I need!

I used to etch PC boards.  How hard could this be.  It turned out Fantastically!  

This is what I had to start with.

IMG_4446.JPG (105089 bytes)

This takes you to the radio's restoration page. 

IMG_4440.JPG (149615 bytes)

You can see some of the finish.  It is rough shape.

PHILIPS foil decal LOGO.jpg (60133 bytes)

Details of the ruined 



There are a lot of steps not shown that take place under safe-light (60 watt yellow bug lamps). 

1) application of UV sensitive enchant mask to metal.

2) Developing mask.

3) Stripping non hardened mask.

All these steps are explained in the provided instructions. 



wpe6.gif (9617 bytes)

This is the mask made in MS Word.  A mirror image is needed for the back side of the metal. Microsoft word has the correct font and the ability to adjust spacing and kerning.  To rows are BOLD and two regular font.  See the file for all the retained setting. This image is perfect to the 1/2 mm when laid over the original remnants. 

Download MS Word file. For Non commercial use only.

IMG_4716.JPG (123185 bytes)
IMG_4715.JPG (112647 bytes)

60w yellow bug light

IMG_4714.JPG (163318 bytes)

Bug Light.

IMG_4709.JPG (108420 bytes)


IMG_4713.JPG (106802 bytes)

Cut metal a little smaller than the mask. 

IMG_4711.JPG (106242 bytes)

Laminate photo resist to metal.

IMG_4710.JPG (114291 bytes)

Plexiglas exposure frame.

  IMG_4687.JPG (340195 bytes)

Developed and scrubbed photo resist.

IMG_4688.JPG (363460 bytes) IMG_4690.JPG (542871 bytes)

Acid bath etching. Started at 5 mins after the hour.

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7 mins of etching.

IMG_4693.JPG (619608 bytes) IMG_4694.JPG (477177 bytes) IMG_4695.JPG (273308 bytes)

10 mins of etching.

IMG_4696.JPG (238641 bytes) IMG_4697.JPG (501012 bytes) IMG_4698.JPG (293122 bytes)

20 mins total.

IMG_4699.JPG (298047 bytes) IMG_4700.JPG (264623 bytes) IMG_4701.JPG (442234 bytes) IMG_4702.JPG (312598 bytes) IMG_4703.JPG (367546 bytes)

Hardened photo resist is blue.

IMG_4704.JPG (375620 bytes)

Brasso to polish after hardened photo resist is removed. 

IMG_4705.JPG (365169 bytes) IMG_4706.JPG (375408 bytes) IMG_4707.JPG (436352 bytes)



smallturk.JPG (19935 bytes)

Kitty does not know what to do?

This bird is much much bigger than the sparrow was! 

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