Dial Scales


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This is a repository of dial scale and label scans.   When ever I work on a radio I try and scan the scales and all labels. I ALWAYS remove and wrap glass scales in a towel to prevent breakage.  I hope some of these may be useful to you.   Send me your scans to share with appropriate credit to you.

Not in any particular order:


Aetna (Wallgreen Co) models 630, 635 & 652 three band


Aetna 652 dialscale.jpg (11414612 bytes) 10.9 MB 600dpi jpg. Aetna 652 dialscale rear.jpg (15986 bytes) Low res for color placement only jpg.






These S-18 images were donated by Pete.  

Hallicrafters S18 (2).JPG (94437 bytes)Pete's fine work! Hallicrafters S18 Bandspread Dial.jpg (659049 bytes) Hallicrafters s18 Bandsread Dial.jpg (335356 bytes)
Hallicrafters S18 Rejector Dial.jpg (358381 bytes) s18 Rejector Dial.jpg (196911 bytes) Paul, 

Perhaps these will be useful too, these are the negatives, they give some idea of the overall size which is 4"dia for the rejector dial with the outer ring of markings at 3", the band spread dial is 4.25" diam with the outer markings at 3.125".



Pete says, "Thanks for putting the images on the website, maybe you could add the tip of printing silver onto a pale yellow vinyl to let the light shine through the markings, Regards Pete".  I am happy to include your tips Pete!

S-20r and S-22r Marine radio  

Thanks to Pete R. (From the UK) for these fine images.

"...the main dial is 5 1/2" overall with the outer ring of print at 4 5/8", the bandspread
dial is the same as the S20R..."

"...perhaps you could add  UK  just to show we over here appreciate American vintage equipment, I'm very fortunate, my local printer employs a Radio Ham in the design section and he prints dials for me onto white sticky back vinyl ,then puts them onto polycarbonate discs cut to the right size with the centre hole put in, it makes life a lot easier. I should have sent you the S20R
Dial as well  so I am attaching it to this message ,

Regards Pete."

hallicrafters S22R Dial.jpg (884247 bytes)  Main dial scale. hallicrafters S22R Bandspread.jpg (419042 bytes)  Bandspread. hallicraftersS20R Dial.jpg (1612432 bytes)S20R Dial




bandspread.jpg (7098952 bytes) Band Spread - Cracked scale and scratched cover. sx24 main.jpg (6915543 bytes) Main Tuning in good conditon. sx24.jpg (1112240 bytes) Main Tuning Bezel - scratched. scan0002.jpg (599011 bytes) Rear of cover - oversized to be riveted to metal bezel.
proportions.jpg (1121553 bytes)  Ruler on top of image for sizing. IMG_0232.JPG (242659 bytes) S-meter clear cover with mechanical zero is larger to be captured in meter cover. sx24 Smeter.jpg (1441683 bytes)  IMG_0241.JPG (327694 bytes) S-meter scale is cracked.  IMG_0188.JPG (340535 bytes)  Click thumbnail to jump to Hallicrafters SX-24 page.

Dry Transfer lettering used on Dial Scale covers

IMG_0315.JPG (80667 bytes)Get your materials together.  Have a pattern or the original cover. IMG_0316.JPG (102371 bytes) I used Black Gothic letters of appropriate size. IMG_0318.JPG (71227 bytes) .015 inch thick clear Polycarbonate sheets. IMG_0317.JPG (44488 bytes)Cut out a piece a little bit bigger than your dial scale cover.  This is the Bandspread index.  IMG_0319.JPG (55740 bytes)Tape it onto your pattern.
IMG_0320.JPG (95048 bytes) Line up the transfer letter over the image and gently rub. IMG_0321.JPG (79493 bytes) Four "M"s have been transferred successfully. IMG_0322.JPG (47040 bytes) All lettering has been transferd.  I'm pleased.  IMG_0323.JPG (61538 bytes) Seal down the lettering with Decal Bonder. Trim the both the polycarbonate sheet and the layout image to proper size.  I repeated this procedure for the main Tuning dial scale cover. 

To see the rest of this radio click here.


SX-71 S meter          

2.1MB bitmap file. sx71label.gif (1373684 bytes)  1.3mB  


SX-88  From Les in Las Vegas

main_dial.jpg (85788 bytes)  Main dial bandspread_dial.jpg (88942 bytes)  Band spread



Model 202

These images will take some effort to clean up.  But they are workable. 

ge202 black.jpg (74578 bytes) ge202.jpg (28138 bytes) ge202 label v.jpg (47876 bytes)  Bottom Label.



Transitone after.JPG (81806 bytes)


philco51532.jpg (1232413 bytes) philco51532 label.jpg (1609419 bytes) Bottom philco51532 label b.jpg (1494174 bytes)

Scan 2 of label

philco51532 inside label.jpg (123402 bytes)

Inside right.


37_630 philco dial  blk.jpg (112684 bytes)

Original Dial on dark background

37_630 philco dial.jpg (71235 bytes)

Original on light.


See Rock-Sea Enterprises has sold their business to www.radiodaze.com.  There are others who make reproduction dial scales.

 This is a reduced picture of a beautiful dial scale that I purchased.  Their product is great quality.  I had to plug them.


40-150, -180, -190

dickman sized.JPG (14819 bytes)
40-150 40-180
40-180 dial scale vert 300dpi.jpg (256132 bytes) 

300dpi 250k

40-180 dial scale vert 150dpi.jpg (80867 bytes)  150 dpi 40-180 dial scale 150dpi.jpg (77404 bytes)



Philco aftermarket car radios: AR-10 CR-2 & UN6-100

This Dial Scale was created by Bryan of Middleton, MA.  He offers this file to anyone who can use it for hobby purposes.  Please contact Bryan for questions and comments at  totalrod @ gmail . com
Bryan says, "......you can use the "Paint" program to change or adjust the colors to suit your own taste, or to match your vehicle. I've already done the hard part! Save this as a "png" file for the highest resolution, not "jpeg"...... 
Bryan L.
Middleton, MA."
Philco.PNG (9682 bytes)

Click on thumb nail for large clear png file.


PYE  P25


scan0018.gif (4752162 bytes)  Front GIF.  About 4.5 MB scan0019.gif (976813 bytes)  Rear about 1MB  




8G005 Transoceanic


TO 8G005 40pcnt.jpg (303734 bytes) H500 transoceanic.jpg (516109 bytes) 500KB H500 transoceanic pointer.jpg (10258 bytes)



Models 6-S128, 137, 147, 152 and 6-S-157

6-s-152 dial scale.jpg (1152729 bytes) color 6-s-152 dial scale bw.jpg (1203780 bytes) Black and white  6-s-152 dial scale rear.jpg (73516 bytes) Rear colors.




  2500USA   2602 USA


Emud Junior 196 German Radio


IM000201.JPG (328110 bytes)  This radio's dial scale. emud hiR2.jpg (209877 bytes)  205 k byte emud hiR.jpg (245123 bytes)  240 kbyte
emud b.jpg (80637 bytes)  79k byte

Emud Senior Model 60 German Radio.

emud 60 dial a.jpg (193082 bytes) emud 60 dial b.jpg (193421 bytes) emud 60 dial c middle.jpg (209742 bytes)


TV-37 Television.


Dial_Final.jpg (178109 bytes)

Click to enlarge

From Brenda Ann.  




This site also collects and provides dial scale images:  RadioHistoria - logo




CAT model 1 

  IMG_3154.jpg (356703 bytes)  Screen Door dial glass.



If you have some images you would like to contribute, please contact me via, this button, the  page.  I will be happy to credit your efforts, link to your site, etc.

Dial glass hints

bulletTest an area before cleaning!!!  Many printed scales use water soluble ink.  See the 37-630 above. I learned the hard way.
bulletTreat that glass with loving care.  I always remove glass dial scales and the metal Transoceanic when restoring a radio.  I will inevitably roll the chassis on the work bench, or scrap the scale with a tool and damage it.  In the case of glass it will break.
bulletOnce removed (and do it delicately)  wrap it in a towel and put it in a paper grocery bag with a label (write on the bag).  
bulletScan Take a photo (electronic or with film) it in case you drop it or for the reference of others.  I would like to load your image here on my Dial Scales page with credit to you.  Do a low resolution scan about 150 dpi and a high resolution of 300 dpi or greater. 
bulletKeep it in the middle of the scanner running the direction of the scan head travels or it will distort and get shadows.  Try right side up and up side down to reduce shadows if they occur. 
bulletYou may need to place a black background over it (a bed sheet, towel, construction paper) if it does not contrast well.  But that will be an extreme.  Imaging programs can do a lot to enhance the contrast.  
bulletIf the scale is longer than the scanner do multiple overlapping scans.  It is easy to paste them back together "after" you have shattered the glass ;~).  Overlapping scans would be posted on the web page. The users can edit them back together.
bulletPhotograph or scan all labels before cleaning the case.  Many labels are still attached to the bottom of the radio when I scanned them.  Place the radio over your scanning bed or photograph it.  Even if you have no electronic camera.  You will be ecstatic if you even have a scan able emulsion photo after you loose a dial scale or precious label.   Any friend can scan your picture but thin air does not scan well.


Images for private, hobby, non commercial use only. 

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