Breting 14


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Here are two Breting 14 communications receivers. My goal is to combine both of these chassis into one restored unit.  Each of these chassis have been modified and worked on.  One has missing components in the detector section.  The other has what I think is the BFO coil moved so it is front panel accessible. I will verify this BFO coil through circuit tracing.  One chassis has a choke added so a permanent magnet speaker may be used.  Both chassis have additional holes drilled into the base.   

We must remember it is an inalienable right and privilege for all communications receiver owners, especially Hams, to modify their equipment as they see fit. Collectors and restorers must keep this in mind.

The challenge will be to remove all chassis parts and sockets to have the metal chromed.  Actually the real challenge will be replacing all the components. 

IMG_0486.JPG (193628 bytes) BFO coil under chassis. Scraped glass mirror finish.  IMG_0485.JPG (223690 bytes) BFO coil accessible via lower left most knob.
IMG_0483.JPG (148902 bytes) BFO coil IMG_0482.JPG (162782 bytes) Moved to panel.
IMG_0479.JPG (247847 bytes) Added choke (lacquer covered transformer) seen on left bottom of chassis, under the yellow capacitor.  IMG_0476.JPG (244600 bytes)
IMG_0484.JPG (179315 bytes) Missing pie wound detector coil and open transformer wires. IMG_0478.JPG (147101 bytes) Pie coil present.
IMG_0481.JPG (163299 bytes) Fixed mica capacitor on left of coil. IMG_0480.JPG (200680 bytes) Added white ceramic trimmer cap.
  IMG_0477.JPG (173509 bytes) Can capacitor replaced with yellow axial caps. 
  IMG_0475.JPG (210810 bytes) Missing can cap. See hole on lower left of chassis picture. 
Not shown is the chrome chassis in much better condition.  IMG_0471.JPG (203822 bytes) Chassis with rust pits.  This unit came with the metal case. The middle rear two screw terminal strip has been replaced with a black molded 4 conductor connector. connector. 
  IMG_0470.JPG (213614 bytes)  IMG_0474.JPG (216763 bytes)  IMG_0473.JPG (229626 bytes)  


This link is to where the Breting was manufactured. 



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