Packing Tips


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Here is Federal Express's How To Pack document.



Packing a whole Philco 40-150 wood cabinet radio.  

This is the radio packed.  I put extra packing materials (paper or small bubble wrap) inside the cabinet, placed the power cord inside so the owner will have to remove the back to get the power cord.  They should see the extra packing material on top of the tubes.   IM000083.JPG (760725 bytes) three inches of bubble wrap in the bottom IM000084.JPG (824347 bytes)Place radio wrapped in 2 to 4 inches of bubble wrap.  A piece of cardboard has been cut and positioned over the speaker grill and glass dial scale.
IM000086.JPG (822684 bytes)Three inches plus the two inches of bubble wrap. IM000087.JPG (906631 bytes) Check all the sides. This shows a little less than three.  But there is two to three inches of bubble wrap taped around the radio. IM000088.JPG (814012 bytes)
IM000090.JPG (775275 bytes) IM000091.JPG (886911 bytes) Pack tight with peanuts or more bubble wrap.  Make sure you put a little more than what you think you need.  This will compensate for settling.  IM000093.JPG (796939 bytes) There is no concaved/inward droop of the top flaps.  The top is puffed out a little.  That helps confirm you put enough packing in the box. 30# ready to go to the post office or other shipper.  Insured of course. 


This is a Zenith 6-S-222 table top.

 IM000013.JPG (332173 bytes)

Protect the glass. Not seen is the packing above the tubes to keep them in the sockets.

Add protection for the open back.

IM000015.JPG (330083 bytes)

Place in a trash bag to keep dirt and peanuts out of the chassis.

IM000016.JPG (318850 bytes)

More bubble wrap then into box 1.

IM000017.JPG (292123 bytes)

Box 1 in a bigger box 2 with peanuts.

IM000018.JPG (327322 bytes)

Slightly over fill with peanuts to compensate for settling.  18x18x17 at 24 lbs insured for $1000.



Brainiac TV Chucking TV's Out Of A Van


It appears that Bubble wrap is best.



I received this glass dial scale from Germany shipped DHL.  It arrived in great shape!

This is "Old School" packing techniques and materials. 

IMG_3217.jpg (869393 bytes) IMG_3218.jpg (1244566 bytes)That is Straw. IMG_3219.jpg (1191157 bytes) IMG_3220.jpg (1063933 bytes)That is two blocks of wood.  
IMG_3222.jpg (1058859 bytes)The wood wrapped in Plastic wrap.  The wrapped glass is sandwiched between the wood.  The only change I would suggest is to use wood that is at least 1/8 inch larger than the glass.  The glass is sticking out beyond the wood.  IMG_3223.jpg (1104994 bytes)  The Straw protected the protruding glass. IMG_3224.jpg (1136609 bytes) IMG_3225.jpg (971918 bytes)Plastic wrap around paper covered glass.
IMG_3226.jpg (1105468 bytes)Nice! IMG_3227.jpg (1006492 bytes)Great condition. Skalenscheiben und  Rückwand Forum

This is the fellow from whom I purchased this glass.  


SABA Villingen 125

The dial glass was broken and the dial glass frame and chassis were bent from some sort of impact.  I believe the original box was too small for both the chassis and the speakers.  There was not enough bubble wrap or energy absorbing material to mitigate the shock energy. 

After procuring an expensive replacement glass and straightening the chassis and frame I constructed a protective wooden box.   This box was wrapped in 3" of bubble wrap.  This was placed inside a new double walled shipping box.

IMG_3289.JPG (956621 bytes)This wooden box should protect the dial glass.   IMG_3290.JPG (1007101 bytes)The joints are glued.  IMG_3291.JPG (957244 bytes)Bubble wrap used to keep anything that comes loose from bouncing around. 
IMG_3293.JPG (990831 bytes)The top is NOT glued.  IMG_3292.JPG (1061766 bytes)Four bottom screws secure the chassis to the box.  IMG_3294.JPG (963845 bytes)The box is wrapped in three inches of bubble wrap.  This should absorb any shock and allow for deceleration and decreased shock to the chassis and dial glass. But as you know this is no guarantee of a safe delivery.  The speakers have also been wrapped and set parallel to the box.  A fresh new double wall heavy duty box was used. 

I can not recommend a particular shipper.  From all that I have read on USENET, the forums and my personal experience, it appears there are trouble spots, cities or Zip codes with each shipper.



Too little space between the cabinet and box side walls.

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