Rodent Damage


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Zenith 6-S-128   An unfortunate story.  

This black dial tombstone Zenith has seen better days.  On first inspection it looked to be a victim of a flood.  I had to grind one of the chassis screws off.  The others had to soak for several days with PB Blaster rust dissolver.  Once the chassis started to separate a rancid stench became eminently evident.  Seeing debris under the chassis I took the unit to the driveway.  Once opened a poor little mouse carcass presented its self among the mound of waist and bedding. 

Initial inspection of this radio showed moisture damage.  You can see it on the rear pictures.  I figured it was stored in a wet flood prone basement.  Unfortunately, I am not the brave sole that will take on such a challenge.  So into large plastic bags it went, waiting for either a pickup or order to dispose of the unit. 



IM000207.JPG (1111007 bytes) Looks nice.  A new dial glass should be available from the restoration guys.  The bottom trim is good and solid.  No moisture damage.  Curios since the chassis looks quite corroded and damaged.  Did this radio sit in water or not? IM000208.JPG (1015394 bytes) Moisture damage.   Was this unit on a tilt?  But the bottom wood trim is OK.   IM000209.JPG (1159092 bytes) Rusty tuning cap.  Perhaps a damp location?
IM000210.JPG (849632 bytes) Model numbers. Look close.  You can see the swollen wood making the chassis screws look depressed and over tightened.   IM000211.JPG (812697 bytes)  But alas later it will reveled the chassis screws were probably not over tightened.   IM000212.JPG (838696 bytes)This screw refused to budge after several days of PB Blaster.  I had to grind the head off of the screw. 
IM000213.JPG (1202360 bytes) Oh Boy!  There is the source of the moisture and foul odor. Click on this thumb nail picture and magnify the hi resolution picture.  You can see the upper left area that is totally corroded.  The chassis would need metal work, new tube sockets, standoffs, wire, etc, etc.  IM000214.JPG (1066533 bytes) Poor Mr. Jingles.  I wonder if someone recently powered up this radio with Mr. Jingles in side!  The mouse carcass still looks like it has some moisture.  The wood had delaminated and curled up.  There is great damage.  The cabinet needs a replacement bottom section of ply wood.    


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