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These are Elmer Night presentations to local amateur radio clubs. 



Next presentation Aug 8th at K3KWH club house.


We have two happy graduates of the Restoration Lab May 23rd.  One a RCA 87K1 Tomb stone and a Farnsworth Table top.  I hope to get some good pics later to post.  



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This is a picture of the May 2nd restoration lab.  The church where we were conducting restoration class was locked.  The key holder had an emergency to attend to.  We did not have a key.  So in Ham Radio style we conduced our version of a Field Day.  I found an outside outlet at the front church entrance. We backed up our trucks to the outlet and ran extension cords.  We were testing tubes, troubleshooting restored chassis and conducting alignments all from the back of my pickup truck. 

It was a great weather night, warm and sunny (until Sun set).  


Click to down load this 2007 power point show

Click to down load this 2008 power point show


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